Release Notes

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HomeRelease Notes3.5.5 Release

3.5.5 Release

New Features

  • 30-Day Relative Challenge

Challenges can now be set up 30 days before the relative event date. (MA-1491)

  • Check Deposit Security Category

For LO clients, we have added the ability to deposit checks based on the security category assigned to them in LO. (MA-1482)

  • Tiny URL Customization

Clients can now use a custom domain for the tiny URL shared via the mobile app messages. (MA-1623)


  • Team members Sharing a name

We resolved a bug with team members sharing a common name for the team’s name across events. There is no longer cross-data. (MA-1830)

  • Android challenges

An issue was resolved where switching events prohibited the participant from always seeing the challenges tab on the menu bar. (MA-1834)

  • Accessibility upgrades

We are continuously upgrading the accessibility functionality in the mobile app, so users have the best experience possible.